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"So you're saying, you believe a dragon spooked the rothés, those skittish beasts are easily spooked, and then you rescued the children, thereby needing to turn around and bring them to safety. Risking your own lives and reputations." His breath indicates he's nervous. "Did you know, there's a real problem with trafficking lately, it's been a point of growing tensions lately, there's a demand for slaves, human children specifically, and far be it from me to understand the motivations of a Marquis' son other than coin, the nobility love their coin." His expression turns dark as he rubs his hands together. He seems to mutter to himself, "Even a dragon would know this," he turns back to Yulya, "Surely not all dragons are bad, surely they have intelligence and the capacity for decency, Dragonborns for instance, and if such a dragon could say, have mercy on the guards and innocent victims and concentrate her bloodlust on slavers and trafficker's" He chooses his words carefully, you notice his hands are shaking, he takes a stunted breath, "no witness no crime," he looks like he's gesturing to himself as if having an argument internally. After a few moments he smiles nervously. "Such a..." he blows out a breath, "such circumstances couldn't be blamed on anyone. Not the least of which guards or innocent adventurers."

He looks to you hopefully, "Is that what you're saying?"     

Yulya, response required