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> He looks to you hopefully, "Is that what you're saying?" 
Yulya has turned into a statue staring into the distance and is barely able to move a muscle. She puts all focus on suppressing her shaking.
Y-yes I-it seems plausible no? You are a wise man Mr. Morningstar. We are blessed to have people like you to weed out the evil that is so plentiful these days.

> "So you're saying, you believe a dragon spooked the rothés"
Dragons exist in all shapes and sizes and surely they have different goals and alignments. Maybe some can even be considered Good or at least useful if our goals happen to align? But what would I know of the motivation of dragons? Or nobles? Only the gods know what they are up to. I am a mere peace cleric and my first concern lies on bringing these children to safety. Whoever tried to enslave them or why is another matter. We have the funds to pay for their entrance and registration but we need to find a safe place for them to stay - safe from enslavement!

> "Did you know, there's a real problem with trafficking lately, it's been a point of growing tensions lately, there's a demand for slaves, human children specifically."
Yes even us greenhorns noticed at the guild. What shameful display. I wish we could make this inhumane practice stop. I may be an idealist but I think even nobles could find better means to increase their riches. Slavery only brings tragedy. Not just to slaves but also the slavers in the end.
Yulya falls silent staring into the darkness