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Cat more or less repeats the summary she gave the guard about the dragon incident but less lively and enthusiastic
So then next day everything was great Nya we went to the fork to Triboar trail Nya Gundren Nya and Sildar Nya went ahead on their horses Nya but just as we entered the trail Nya we saw a cart on the high road Nya going north Nya with 2 rothé Nya  it was full of household stuff Nya and lamps Nya very strange Nya but worst of all it had a dozen little childen in tow Nya well dressed but in chains Nya around their tiny necks and feet Nya.
Cat dramatically grabs her neck and ankles with her paws
The cart was gong fast Nya it dragged the children behind Nya it was horrible Nyaa!
There were 2 guys on it Nya well equipped Nya Yulya was driving the cart Nya it got stuck a bit Nya so we got off Nya and Ashley tried to stop that cart Nya Yulya thought we could give the kids some rest Nya if we pretended to need help Nya I didn't think it would work Nya but they stopped and got off Nya they were very shady Nya treated the kids badly Nya and whispered to each other Nya about taking us too Nya and returning Nya didn't hear where to Nya but they looked evil Nya like slavers Nya so Alice and me decided to free the kids Nya break the chains that hooked them to the cart Nya while Ashley and Yulya distracted them Nya Yulya asked for help with the cart Nya but they told her to give Ashley and me to them Nya as slaves Nya can you imagine Nya?
I managed to break the chain Nya it was easy Nya but then things got ugly Nya we had to do something Nya they had good equipment and looked skilled Nya we'd have no chance against them in an open fight Nya Ashley summoned some cool flying thingies Nya and made them sting the rothé Nya in the butt Nya!
Cat slaps her own butt
So the rothé went nuts Nya and the cart raced off Nya hit one of the guys Nya and thats when we attacked them Nya Alice and me Nya with Yulya's support Nya and Ashley turned into a Panther Nya I dont really remember much Nya everything turns hazy when I fight Nya but we killed them both Nya and Ashley dragged them off Nya into the forest Nya we took their equipment Nya look at my gear Nya that armor sword and bow Nya. Also that ring that makes fog Nya they had a lot more Nya one of them had some silver merchant guild plate Nya and a ring with some symbol Nya I'm afraid he was a noble Nya nobody saw us Nya we were quick Nya there were no withesses Nya and Alice cleaned up all traces Nya but I'm still worried Nya!
Cat conveniently skips the part about cooking and eating the corpses and feeding them to the children. A chef's recipes are well-guarded secrets