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While Yulya and the roadmaster are busy with the horses, Alice stealthily approaches the cart from behind and creeps inside. An amorphous alien shape looms over the children. Alice singles out Tiffany who is noticeably taller than the other girls and also has blonde hair. She is smaller than the girl Alice usually poses as but not by much. Good enough as replacement Alice
Sorry kiddo but 5gp are 5gp...

Tentacles encroach the sleeping child and Alice carefully dresses Tiffany in her Yukata so that the adventurer's tag is clearly visible. She places the Kitsune mask on Tiffany's head before retreating to the underside of the cart as silently as she came.
Neverwinter here we come!
One roadmasters, 3 adventurers and 11 children. Certainly nobody who could be a shapeshifting dragon among them, inspect them as thorough as you like!
Alice laughs to herself