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> they told her to give Ashley and me to them Nya as slaves Nya can you imagine Nya?
Freya takes note, her expression is one of mild shock.

> Cat conveniently skips the part about cooking and eating the corpses and feeding them to the children. A chef's recipes are well-guarded secrets
Freya is very distracted by the Nyas, too distracted to even notice any trace of a need for this detail. 

> So what do we do Freya Nya? With the kids Nya? 

"Mmh, mhm," she nods as she's thinking "there are several orphanages in Neverwinter, there shouldn't be a problem getting them placed tomorrow, what's important is they're safe, and we have plenty of room here for them tonight."

> The bad guys had enough money so we can bring them into the city Nya they had some special purse Nya said something about enter register and eat Nya it was strange

She smiles kindly, "well this is good... I suppose," she thinks again back to the bigger issue at hand, killing a member of the nobility.

> we can't tell anyone about what happened
Freya nods with agreement and equal concern. She holds her hand under her chin, thinking hard.

> they will come after us

"Witnesses!" She says abruptly, "Did you have any witnesses?"
[Required response #1]

> I don't wanna lose my friends too
Freya puts he hand gently on Cat's shoulder, "I won't let that happen, it won't happen period."

> please help us Freya
"Of course. Just relax. If the guards said they are sending help for the cart, that's taken care of, that's what they do. So, I will prepare a few rooms for 12, I'll keep the guild open late and prepare a midnight snack for everyone, the kids will love it, and then we'll get a couple tubs ready with hot water to clean the road grime off them, get them all cozy and clean in their rooms and you too of course, and tomorrow we have all day to figure it out once we're all well rested. The guild is closed Sundays, but I live here so I can help out tomorrow with strategies and everything else you need, like your own personal assistant. Say nothing to anyone else, follow my lead."

She opens the door and ushers Cat out. When they return to the guild hall Brutus and his team are helping clean up.

"Oh you saints, I can't believe it. Let's leave a couple tables open, we're going to have guests. Honeybun, we need that abominably adorable charisma of yours to help Cat this evening. If you want to help, go with Cat back to her cart, it's likely they'll already be on the move north via the guard horses. Please do whatever needs done and I'll have a special treat for you when you get back."

Brutus's eyes lit up like a schoolboy. In a gravely yet enthusiastic voice he says, "Is it my birthday? I feel like I'm getting presents."

"Kess, and Grœtiekins, can you two help me ready a few rooms and get tubs moved and readied? I'll need to do some cooking, we're expecting... 12,13, 16? 16 guests, many of them children."

Kessandra and Grœt both seem to understand what to do and immediately get to work.

"Room 202, 203, open them up together... aaaand 205 6, 6, and 4," Freya looks excited, "Cat, just tell them where to come and help bring the kids here safely." 

She moves to Brutus and puts her hand daintily on his ample chest, "Honeybun, we need their safe return to the guild, make sure the guards know we have this taken care of."

He melted, "leave it to me, and if they get smart, leave it to Bertha," he pats his giant-sized maul.

"We just need them here, not more trouble."

Freya, you know me. I'll smile and they'll do whatever I want.

"I knew I could count on you honeybun."


"I know I know! Only Freya could dare call him that and only because it's Freya would he accept it!" Kessandra sighs.

Cat, you have been instructed to take Brutus with you back south to the cart.