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How Ashley looks at... webp
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Yulya spots the riders heading south and tries to make out who they are

> Are these guards Sir Morningstar?
He looks their way and his hand reaches for his sword. [1d20=13] it is in fact the riders from Neverwinter, 2 horsemen on sturdy horses arrive in a cloud of gravel dust.

They trot alongside and call for the cart to be stopped. 

Stregren greets them, "Roadmaster Morningstar reporting, are you here to help?"

One of the guards takes off his helmet, "indeed, what happened to this one, broken axel, you got it fixed I see."

''Stregren simply nods and jumps down, "this old girl could handle it but two more would certainly get us there faster."

They work for the next 10 minutes hooking up the other horses.
The guards hop on the front three wide and instruct Yulya to sit on top and you're off again this time at [1d4+2=6] a fast trot as the three horses seem to be challenging each other to go as fast as possible.

ETA to Neverwinter is now right around midnight.

You hear the guards chatting about interrogations and investigations, dragons and bandits, and of course, a certain noble's plate and his possible whereabouts. 
[Persuasion 1d20+3=20] They're buying Stregren tale without question, hanging on his every word, most of them completely off base.

[Insight 1d20+7=11] Yulya can't be sure but she thinks Stregren is intentionally lying to them. It's clear the other guards want to interrogate everyone, every child.

Not more than 10 minutes later you see Cat with a towering hulk running down the road. The cart slows as they flag you down. Brutus is well known by the guards and they grumble as they recognize him.

"We got this covered Brutus, no need for your help tonight," one of them calls down.

Cat hops up on top with Yulya and a still sleeping Ashley.

[Required action #1: Cat can tell what's happening to Yulya here.]

"Sorry to disappoint but these folks are needed tonight for guild matters."

One of the guards expressed his frustration in a vulgar way directed at the Guildmaster and Brutus doesn't take kindly to that sort of talk. As Brutus hangs him inches from the gravel by his boots, he gracefully and completely recants his statement claiming it was all a simple misunderstanding. When Brutus pulls him back up and dusts him off, this particular guard is one of his biggest proponents of letting the guild handle this matter.

Stregren speaks with authority, "I'll write the report as I see it and we'll discuss it tomorrow morning. I assume the guild will give us any answers we need on the matter. I also agree, these are adventurers not traders." He looks back at Yulya, then to Brutus, "I appreciate you'll be able to get to the bottom of this, but let me tell you what's happened." 

With Brutus leaning in and listening intently, Stregren once again tells his side of the story. [1d20+3=22] 

When he's done, Brutus is laughing. Though he admits it's a fair tale, he can't believe that shapeshifting dragons are helping the road guard. "We'll take care of it," Brutus calls back to Yulya, "we're approaching Neverwinter, does everyone have Id's or so we need to negotiate entrance?"

[Required Action #2, Yulya must answer Brutus.]

> You need to make sure that girl I dressed up as Alice pretends to be me until we're in the city while I hide. One less child, 5 gp less entry fee, 5gp more for us! Plus I don't wanna deal with paranoid guards mistaking me for a shapeshifting dragon. Ok, gotta hide again, tell her it's a game or something! You got this!

Ashley blinks a few times and realizes they're traveling super fast and a bunch of men are sitting at the helm, their horses are being towed while new horses are pulling. Needless to say she's a bit confused and is having trouble resolving reality.


[Optional Response #3 Clueing Ashley in]