Seeing that you're leveling up now, please repost your character sheets with your level 2 stats and abilities clearly stated. Ashley has hers and will post that soon.

Yulya's spells will not change for level 2 but her number of spell points will go up to 3. She will still not be able to boost level 1 spells other than through a focus.

Freya only has access to level 1 spells but SheShe allowed her to boost a level 1 spell to level 6 with the use of a 6MP focus. You do not add MP even if you have it available, it is simply the MP in the focus. Caution is recommended.

As for HP, you will roll your hit dice, add your constitution modifier. Please use either the roll shown or the following, whichever is greater.

1d6 or 4
1d8 or 5
1d10 or 6
1d12 or 7

For example, Ashley had 1d6, her CON is +0 so level 1 was 6HP, level 2 would be either 6+1d6 or 6+4 whichever is greater. In her case she rolled 3 so she took 1d6+4 and now would have 10HP.

If she had rolled 6, she could have had 12. But she wouldn't have less than 10.

Bear had 1d12 and a CON +4. His original was 1d12+4=16 he rolled 10 so 10+4=14>7+4=11 so his level 2 HP is 30.