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> 12x candy - 12sp
> 10x blunt arrows - 10 sp
> 80lbs horse food - 4sp
> Sum: 26sp

As everyone enters the main hall, Ashley's screeched out in a chair she took down with her feet on the table. "I got some candy, no charge this time."

Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.

Freya listens to the list and nods, "Thank you Ashley, I don't have candy here, they usually make that daily, but not on Sundays. I could make more cookies, but it'll take another hour and you should really get going now if you're headed south. The horse feed is in the stables, that's open every day, so you can just pick some up before you leave."

Kids start pouring down the stairs with a very tired Brutus and Grœt. "Freya help," Brutus says.

"Oh, okay Honeybun just a sec." ''She then has an idea, "Brutus, can you help them make some blunt arrows and I'll get the kids breakfast."

Brutus bows to Freya and approaches Cat with renewed vigor, "something I can do! How many you need?"

"Ten I think." Ashley says.

"Alright, give me 10 regular arrows and some rocks about this big." He holds up his large hand and shows a small gap between his fingers.


The frogman sorcerer hops up on stage and says, "Grœt."

The kids laugh hysterically at the large frogman.


Ashley gets up as if inconvenienced and heads outside. "I saw some in a planter, be right back."

Brutus puts his big hand on Cat's shoulder and grabs out an arrow from her quiver, "You need twine and wax, I have both." He squishes the hard wax in his hand until it starts to look pliable, then breaks off the tip of the arrow and begins to smoosh the wax on the broken end.

Ashley returns with an armful of damp rocks and unloads them on the table, slugs, dirt and all. "Enjoy."

He takes one, wipes it off on his shirt until it's dry and smashes it on the end. Then he takes the twine and with a rather intricate pattern of winding it's done. To show it's integrity, he bangs it against the table, "This will only go half as far so plan accordingly. These are great against skeletons and for non-lethal drops, in case you need to talk to them after. Can you handle this? Of course you can!" He hands cat enough wax and twine for 9 more and pats her head between the ears. "Don't forget me when you're a high level, I want to spar with another Barbarian." 

By now even Freya has her hands full with the demands of 12 kids and Brutus is off to help her. Surprisingly he has proficiency in performance and begins to to tricks for the kids.

In the end you will only need to pay for the horse feed. Your dealer Ashley has 13 more candy on her.

As you all get up to go, some of the kids approach and bow to you, "We'll never forget what you've done, someday we'll be adventurers too and we'll save you one day, you'll see." Though 8-yr-olds make terrible soothsayers they seemed genuine.

You thank Freya again and you're off to the stables without a minute to spare. You buy the horse feed for 3sp and Ashley chips in 1sp.

The gate is open, there are no other carts left going south so either you're late or there weren't any going south this day. The rain is light but the sky is dark, and the temperature is 11C. It's 08:00. You shouldn't stop till the rest stop.  

Ashley sees the semi-permanent state of Yulya and takes the lead, "The rest stop was 40 miles south and it took us over 12 hours last time, that means we won't get there before dark if we trot along. Cat, looks like you'll be driving, get us there as fast as possible!" She hops up on top and points to the gate. "Engage!"