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> Go horsies Nya!

With everything accounted for, you're off. Although it does seem a little odd that you're the only ones leaving you push it out of your mind. A little stronger, a little wiser, you still have a good attitude and race off toward the rest stop.

Cat pushes the horses as fast as their willing to pull. [1d20+3=18] With a good pace, roughly 3.8 mph, the horses will make it to the rest stop before 18:00.
[1d20=12 The light rain remains steady but the temperature slowly rises.]

[1d20=16,16,1 Roughly 12 miles south 11:00] [1d30=16] [1d20=12] A rather large moose hops across the road ahead of you.
[1d20+5=10] Yulya's watchful eyes see nothing unusual.

[Possible interaction #1]

[1d20=15,17,18,20 27 miles south 15:00] [1d100=5,97] Regardless of the rain, ever riding on the upper canvas top, Ashley spots something behind a tree ahead. She hops down and casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx. As she's moving cautiously toward the roughly humanoid shaped object, she knows there's something fishy. With a large wave of her hands and a word of command, a beautiful cybernetic Lynx pops into existence. The sound is louder than it has been in the past and the horses jump a bit from the unexpected noise. Ashley herself is startled by the creature running beside her but smiles as she knows it's not only friendly but a strong ally. Though she looked like a regular lynx, Ashley could see glints of metal under her fur.

Helena the Lynx jumps toward the humanoid shaped thing and knocks over a long deceased halfling. A tree that was blocking the corpse from view of the road had fallen recently allowing Ashley to spot it. Ashley poked at the corpse and among the shreds of an old robe and foot wraps was a small pouch containing finely crafted divination bones valued at about 1 gold. Nothing else of value was there, Ashley figures she must have been jumped by bandits, taking her coin and anything else of value. Ashley and Helena take the bones and chase after the cart, placing it in the stash.
[1d20=20 31 miles south 16:00] Ashley lays on the canvas top, petting her Lynx friend and another item catches her eye. [1d100=23,49] A splash of color on what looks like a stick is embedded in the dirt about 20 feet off the side of the road. Ashley runs to grab it again. It's a poor man’s walking cane, decorated near its top with rings of colorful paint worth about 5cp.

"Garbage!" She sticks it back in the mud but it thuds when it hits a certain level. So she pulls it out again and throws it aside, then digs in the softened Earth and hits a small wooden box.  Without delay, she drags it up and runs with it back to the cart.

Once on her wet perch again she wipes off the box with a small lock on it. She shakes it lightly and checks it for traps. [1d20+3=4] Completely unable to determine if it's trapped but feeling brazen, she picks the lock anyway. [1d20+2=8 vs DC8] It's a very simple lock and she just gets it, springing it open. Inside the box is a note written in some language she can't begin to understand.

She hangs over the awning and hands it down to Yulya.
"It was a dud, here you go."

[Possible interaction #2]