
He doesn't even have to be alive to win at this point. Believe me we will see riots and more at this point.

So, the democratic party is fascist and calling the republican party facist.

I had a dream recently that my girlfriend was pregnant and we pushed the issue to the Supreme court asking for permission to have an abortion. Basically raising a stink about the issue. Here you have to be in one of the right states to get one right now. 

The issue that hurts the republican party most is that.

I am moderate so you can shoot both of those guys in the ear for me.

I like Trump, I think of the two he cares more for America. I hate hate hate the nanny state mentality, the elecric car/green energy, old NYC Jew Yenta party who hates American Flag party mandate bullshit that hurts the environment more than anything. Never Trump isn't a winning strategy but the idiot strategists on Dem side didn't do much else.

I'd go full nuclear with natural gas backup, that's great for the environment, super clean, doesn't threaten habitat, actually works.

They build wind farms here and never hook them up because they're so unreliable and inconsistent they're a burden on the grid. In Commiefornia, they're now saying don't hook any more solar onto the grid yet there's a mandate to have solar on all new construction.

[Ashley] Don't get him started.

It's okay I barely care.