thumbnail of Female SS pros.mp4
thumbnail of Female SS pros.mp4
Female SS pros mp4
(3.17 MB, 640x360 h264)
> the shooter was on some rooftop 100m away how is this possible lol? what secret service doing?
That's indeed an interesting question. The guy crawls up a roof in broad daylight little more than 100m away from Trump and fiddles with his rifle for minutes. Bystanders report him but nothing happens. He manages to fire 8 shots before getting rekt by the snipers. How you can miss at this distance is also beyond me, hitting a man-sized target at 150m is easy with an AR even with iron sights. And you have 30 rounds in the mag unless he was a 10rds fag. Good thing most shooters are too retarded to do maximum damage. But the Secret Service fucked up even bigger. How can you not occupy dat roof? And look at the 2 chicks I mean the hell? Who hired them to guard a presidential candidate?? Were they in the bargain bin?
That's German Police girls tier.