Here's a fun one, no sex.
I dreamt I was playing with hamsters. I had one of my childhood dogs with me and she was intently watching as she liked to do when I played with my hamster 6th grade-ish timeframe. This was during a lul in my childhood when it wasn't so bad, but don't worry it got so bad after that to make up for it.
I was playing with several hamsters and they kept biting me. If they got a big bite, it was just a pinch (a hamster has never bitten me irl they were very docile) they kept trying to climb out of my hand and one in particular was dark haired (not sure if such a hamster type exists) and it would like strike bite and rip open my finger really badly, like needing stitches. Didn't care, kept playing.
Joy would be the type to be ideal citizen on the outside and hiding a dark secret, probably dead bodies in the basement. She wouldn't tolerate someone messing up her life, definately would want to take care of the problem without getting police involved. Then she'd play the innocent child etc.
She'd also definately hide things and possibly forget where they are because when you hide something in an abandoned building and come back 300 years later for it, don't expect to to find it again.
[Joy] True on all counts, I really liked that necklace, though I know who took it and if there's ever a sequel to my novels I'll want parts of it back.
Joy has a former party member in a girl named Ecstasy. She was like Joy's evil twin if you can imagine that. She also survived from the times of modern society and might exist in Faerûn now, though she'd be royalty so unlikely to be dungeon crawling.