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> Yulya lends Alice the blanket from her backpack
> Here you go! You're not good with cold, right?
Ahh thanks, that's much better! Why is this place called Neverinter again? And we're south of it!
Alice guards the rear of the cart sitting on a bedroll and huddled in a blanket for warmth.

> "Man, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that dragon or maybe a different one was spraying the clouds with ice. I have no idea what it means."
I don't know but I don't like it! Messing with the weather is generally a bad idea. Especially when you make it COLDER!!!

> though Cat's writing has run a but due to the rain, it's still barely legible.
Alice stares at the scribbles and paw prints with bewilderment. If Gundren did see this he must be thinking we are mocking him after stealing his cart and cargo.

> It's smooth sailing until you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.