thumbnail of shadow people.jpeg
thumbnail of shadow people.jpeg
shadow people jpeg
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Short hypnopompic nightmare, only a few secs. There was a black shadowy blob in my room. Not really a blob, more a cloud of mist, man-sized. Strangely it was relatively bright in the room, day even, otherwise I couldn't have seen that shadow. Sleep paralysis-tier. Scared the shit out of me for a moment. No time to summon tupper before I woke up but the scene was rehearsed with Alice beating up the shadow cloud. Which of course did nothing. She still used it as orb-replacement punching bag.

Man I'm glad such dreams are extremely rare and I'm also not afraid of this shit anymore. Growing up in a creepy old house with lots of animals making weird noises at night was enough. With tupper all this obvious monster stuff becomes trivial - be it ghosts, demons, aliens, whatever nightmarish creatures my imagination rarely throws at me. May surprise or even shock me for a moment but then iiit's party time!