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> Cat hops off the cart to rush to the horses not and so she would still have been right next to the cart.

> this time
Next time choose your words more carefully. Both Yulya and I interpreted that as you running off, or that was my interpretation of Yulya's interpretation. If you argued this, I'd have to deny it. If you had been downed, I would have been a little more open to alternate interpretations. My number one objective if for you to have fun but arguing minor interpretations is probably only fun for me.

> poison
No only the arrows have a "gelatinous substance". 

> Sorry Ashley but Cat doesn't have a shield

Since we can't open the inventory on the share site, we went off the last assumed position of the shield and for some reason a while back it was with you.

Otherwise a minor error considering you don't normally wear your pack when driving or relaxing. It is assumed you would bring only what you need for a fight but if you prefer you can have your pack perma-on.