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That's indeed scary. Can't remember seeing something like that.

I had some crazy dream. I was hiking to a huge tower with friends. The tower was white with some golden dome on top. It looked like it was a kilometer high but absurdly narrow. Beside it was an air vent in the ground, round like a sewer opening. High pressure air shot out of it in a visible beam also about a kilometer high into the air. We were told not to touch it, the air looked extremely powerful. The whole thing was a tourist attraction. 
There was an elevator up the tower and with us entered a group of elderly Japanese men. Completely naked. No girls of course. No, old men. They acted like everything was completely normal and took photos of the inside of the elevator from all angles like Japanese tourists do. When we exited the elevator we were not on top of the tower but came out of the air vent at the bottom looking at the tower in front of us. Wtf?

No Cat, no girls. Like always.