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> How many orcs can the dragon massacre one by one in the few seconds a round represents? 50?
How do 50 orcs pass in 6 seconds?
Both are ridiculous scenarios. But I've solved it. You're welcome.
> while 300K Persians try to zerg rush him
No, they try to rush past him and he can't attack because it's not his turn but he can stab at just one if they try to leave within 5ft of him. ??
[Ashley] Leave it up to good ole' Big Sissy Joy to solve everything, gotta love her.
> Thus the Persian invasion of Greece ends.
> Really now?
Yes really. Pats self on back.
1 reaction is not bad, just one opportunity attack is bad.
> unlimited reactions are insane.
Well be more careful then, it's an insane world out there. Also I recommend a sweater for what's coming.