thumbnail of Ambush [Round 3].jpg
thumbnail of Ambush [Round 3].jpg
Ambush [Round 3] jpg
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"Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then." You have not taken damage and you did attack a creature this round you will keep your Rage, however, I'll ignore that rule if you intend to keep it since you only get 2 between long rests. So you have 1 minute or ten rounds to use it or if you turn it off or take damage though even that doesn't make sense, if you you get hit I'd think your minute resets not your rage ends, so don't worry too much about the other details, let's assume Rage lasts 1 minute (10 rounds) similar to a Ranger's Zephyr Strike. 

> Cat takes her frustration out on the hobgoblin and attacks him with her longsword.
[1d20+7=(9,15)] Cat easily kills the hobgoblin goblin without mercy [no roll needed, the minimum damage was enough]. Then moves off to the bushes to hide. [1d20+3=17] She is well hidden.

> attack unconscious goblin #3 
Alice attempts to snuff out the goblin [1d20+4=(19,10)] [1d6+2=6] The goblin is skewered by her spear and takes his last breath. Alice then moves to Goblin #4 and uses 1 ki point for her bonus action to attack him with flurry of blows. [Alice has used 2 ki points during this engagement and is out of ki points I believe. She will regain 2/hour rest IIUC.] [1d20+4=(6,13)] her blows glance off his armor.  

Ashley calls for Rally Growth, "Get the runner my pets, find him, take him out!" [+2,+4 AC and +50% damage] Helga and Helena flank Goblin #2, Helena attacks and Helga pounces. [1d20+4=(13,14),(15,16)] Helena's bite catches only scraps of leather but Helga manages to contact, [STR 1d20-1=9 vs DC12] [CON 1d20=15 vs DC14] The goblin is grappled, knocked prone and clawed for [1d4+2x1.5=6] damage and is unconscious. She then bites him [1d20+4=(18,6)] [CON 1d20=11 vs DC14] and tears flesh for [1d4+3=10] The goblin's soul ushered to the ethereal plane.  

> Yulya searches the area for additional goblin ambushes
[1d20+3=22] [hidden rolls] Yulya spots two goblins hiding in the trees to the north. They realize they've been spotted and run off to the north and have escaped. Her perception also sees two sets of boot prints heading north from the horses and signs of a previous battle. The foot prints seem to be walking north, in no particular rush. In the bushes to the north of the horses are several goblin corpses that are at least a couple days old and the heavily decomposed body of an orc, possibly slain by the reaction of an angry dragon he tried to pass, but that is pure speculation.

[The encounter ends, and you may move about freely.]

Upon further inspection the horses are indeed Gundren and Sildar's and are in bad shape, they've been standing here for at least a couple days, shot at by the goblins, possibly for target practice, they're exhausted, thirsty, hungry and will likely fall unconscious if not tended to today. They do not require additional healing assuming they're taken care of. They will need proper rest before they can pull but can be pulled behind the cart.

"No, ambush or not, Gundren and Sildar went North, we need to investigate further," [1d20+1=20 1d20+3=16] Ashley hops off the cart and scouts north using stealth, she finds a path heading north with boot prints amid fresh goblin prints.   

Ashley's Lynxes go to the remaining goblins to finish them off.