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Yulya is glad to arrive at Phandalin without further incidents and without having to negotiate prices as someone who would still rather walk into a goblin den naked than barter with a gnome. She still has a heavy heart thinking about Gundren and Sildar.

> Later that night:
> "I can be optimistic too. I say we revive him if he's dead.''
That unfortunately is the most optimistic outcome. Providing we even find his remains in revivable state and I do not have to revive any of us. I can only revive one person.

> This is not bad actually, especially the cobalt ore! The tourmaline also appears to contain some traces of lithium, chromium and vanadium. I could use this to strengthen my body if you let me have it
Fine with me we need to get Alice back in shape! So eat the rocks!

Ashley you handle telling them about Sir Gundrens fate the way you see fit. But try to keep 'alternative facts' to a minimum we are already more than suspicious. Arriving with Sir Gundrens cart but without Sir Gundren will raise questions we need to answer.

Now let us decide what to sell and what to keep!