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I was an ultra rich guy, young like 20's max, still under the thumb of parents named Carlson wearing an 70-80's leizure suit

My spending cash was on a usb stick looking thing it said $4M.

I had a personal assistant and she was negotiating with me, setting up a day trip to Disneyland but with 2 escort girls and everything highest level. She was trying to leverage her freedom, she was obviously owned, no collar but she wanted to be set free. I got the feeling she was a family asset, a little older than me, a friend and we'd had fun lots before. She was sophisticated and somewhat cute but 70-80's style. She said, "I'll do whatever you want one last year max, then I want freedom." I was ignoring her.

We were in a gated driveway with very fancy cars and I was picking out the car I wanted.

It was a feeling of just you have everything and are just going through the motions now.

My phone went off unexpectedly and I woke up.