thumbnail of Alice Threatening Again.gif
thumbnail of Alice Threatening Again.gif
Alice Threatening... gif
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> Could Ashley carry 3 full rations for herself?

Check out this formula:

Carry capacity = (Weight Rounded up to nearest 10)/2 + 5*(STR-8) + 10

So mine is 90/2 rounded up is 45 + 15 + 10 = 70.

I have 24.5 on me. I want a shield 6lbs and 10 gold, so probably at least 125 silver here. Then the thieves' tool kit is too much for me, no way I'm affording that right now so just the shield I guess. So I have a little less than 40lbs free but in my backpack only about 24 lbs, so it depends what you want to give me. Joy's going to be pretty lenient though. So feel free to pack 24 lbs on me and I'll strap the shield to the pack anyway. Additional things that can be hung on would account for another 15.5 lbs. Go nuts.

have we all decided what we want to buy?

A robe or cloak for Alice to layer up, But it's not necessary right now, it's warmer to the north where we came from, at least a few C even at night.

Cat wants a grappling hook

[In that case post in the pain thread what you want.]

> Joy is really pulling out all stops to piss me off

I thought you liked dragons and dungeons 🤔