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thumbnail of I love you too loli just soo cute.jpg
I love you too loli... jpg
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Had an awesome series of lucid dreams, one of the best ever!
Drifted back and forth between wake and sleep in the morning and actually managed to re-enter dreams which is extremely rare.

I was running around in a city, GTA style. First I tried to pull a Bear and look for girls which of course ended in utter failure. There was nobody. I ran around like a maniac to find anyone before waking up but only met an elderly lady that shook her head in disproval seeing me approach her. I tried summoning tupper or turn into her. Alice indeed briefly managed to take over and tried to morph into her body but in vidya game like FPV she only saw her hands which were clearly my hands and wouldn't turn into a little girl's.
Alice being Alice still tried to punch in several doors which didn't work. For whatever reason I am always pathetically weak in dreams and my punches do nothing. It was like punching a cloud. Alice faded to mindvoice and I was in control again but achieved nothing while running around aimlessly. A common problem is getting stuck in a loop of opening doors behind which are more and more doors and never getting through.

In the last dream sentence I finally gathered enough reason to do what I always wanted to do and managed to hug Alice. I only saw the back of her head from this perspective wrapping my arms around her, not her face but it felt nice. Turning her around her face did look different. She said something about her favorite French - meals I guess? It made no sense.

Atypically, Alice wore a red top and jeans. We were on a couch and I managed to reach under her top and place my hands on her bare back while hugging her. It felt warm and very life-like for my monster-tupper. But this is as far as I got before waking up.

Still 9/10 and a highly memorable experience for me!

See also