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Fucking finally, stock market crash, been waiting two years for this shit. So now we see how low it can go and get in at the bottom. Been overvalued for years. 

Look forward to a world recession, that's a guarantee, again, fucking finally. 

Looking forward to offloading this cash, been out too long, lost like 10% on top of the mega inflation we got here make that 60% but we can normalize that if we compare it just to the stock market.

Now, next up, WW3, nuke drop over-under by Christmas, super-caldera eruption, carrington event highest liklihood until 2025 end.

Hold on to your hats, don't buy that new car just yet. Stay out of overpriced metals rn. I understand there's nowhere for cash rn but there will be, catch the upslope.

Crypto is trash lol, always was.