
Maybe we were frens in HS bc that waz me ;-;

Also, I'm not a chick magnet now, but I do have a look so if I do talk to girls they talk back in a positive way.

I dreamt I was on the starship Enterprise, TNG edition, and Picard was there. I was either Riker or a science or security officer and I was trying to keep a dignitary sane, he wasn't sane though. He broke free and then tried to phaser some people but he was in a protective living force field that absorbed the weapon discharge. Why does he still have a weapon?! The force field was like living transparent flesh.

I was able to talk him down and take him back to his cell.

No Troy, no Beverly even, certainly not even a young Ashley Judd, just fricken nonsense sausage fest. 

The timeline kept changing for the worse and the ship was getting dirtier and in more disrepair, there was war and it was getting worse, the ship was then like falling apart, barely able to fire, and it wasn't borg we were fighting though it was ships like made from the living throbbing bubbling pink and red flesh of some kind of giant monster. The phasers just absorbed into it a lot like the force field. The ships were like a mix of that flesh and asteroids, but also kind of like space squid.

Pretty interesting, no secs though so suck'd.