So there was a change of plan, this gets a little complicated.

1. Ashley decides to stay in Neverwinter, working at the guild, to have fun with the natives.

2. Bear, Freya, Gwen, Ulla and I go off to rescue Joy who is in trouble in the dire woods besieged by Displacer beasts. We only know she's  in trouble.

3. We leave for a 20 day walk? It's a long way.

4. Fey trap portal, Freya and Ulla fall in, we go in after them.

5. Bear finds Ulla, Gwen and I are alone, Freya is alone.

6. The portal was a time/space portal meaning the end point was in the feywild but time in the Feywild is crazy so all our timelines are messed up.

7. Freya manages to immediately find a portal out after realizing she was caught but finds herself in a random , unknown place in Faerûn.

8. Gwen and I can't find anyone

9. Bear and Ulla realize they won't find anyone and find another portal.

10. The above events are in flux, but this is the plan. Crazy huh?