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Cat pulls her bow and fires at Ashley with her long bow +1 from 150ft.
The arrow sails over Ashley's head as she breaths a sigh of relief.
Cat then hops into the hedge maze to her right for full cover from every direction but directly West.

Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Cats 10ft. North of her position and two Mechathereal cats jump forth with audible pops. [1d20=11]

"Come out come out wherever you are Cat!" Ashley says and runs South 25ft behind the trunk of a tree gaining full cover from the North and decreasing to half cover from the North-East and North West.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth run North toward the maze last was last seen near and take shelter in the table and chairs, gaining full cover from the West and North-West and 1/2 cover from the North.

Round 2 Begins when Cat is done with her current turn including any adjustments she wants to make within reason. Cat's Turn is first in Round 2 and so on.