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thumbnail of scientist-lab-coat-stands-front-large-glass-ball-with-man-lab-coat-looking-camera_662214-19461.jpg
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Yakumo and Cat in my dream. Yakumo was wearing a lab coat as he does and round German glasses, a thick German accent and was yelling on and on about "the project". Cat was carrying old map scrolls and a telescope or something in both arms as she followed him around, but he was just pacing. Cat was occasionally knocking breakable things off shelves and tables but with here novelty oversized cat ears. She had a frazzled expression and she was mostly cartoonish though  Yakumo was fully rendered realistic.

I was standing to the side, half watching this for fun, half worried about having to do drywall installation on walls that had dozens of receptacles on them. Over and over this dream lasted for a long time.