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> Cat continues to attack Mrs. Bigglesworth with her greatsword.
[1d20+7=16] Mrs. Bigglesworth had no option to survive the blow and dissipates in a puff of purple smoke.

Ashley Panther leaves Helena Behind and rushes north, following her prey. [1d20+4=(18,24) vs DC13 with disadvantage] Cat couldn't hide from Ashley Panther. Once she's within range, she uses Action Surge and attempts to pounce on Cat.
[1d20+4=17 vs AC16] [1d20+3=12 vs DC14] Cat is clawed by Ashley Panther for [2d4+4=7]  7 damage. Cat goes down before Ashley can even make her second attack or grapple her.

The fight is called, Ashley and her minions won in Round 6. A total of 800AP are awarded split between Cat and Ashley as follows: 800*(5/11) for Cat=333 and (800*6/11)=467 for Ashley. Congratulations you two for having such a long match!

Cat, please add 333AP to your total.