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Me after 4h of lolisitting.
> arrive back from vacation
> almost immediately get raided by neighborhood loli
> mom drops her off to go shopping for hours
> mfw sweating bullets she'll do something indecent again
> abuse potential exponentially rises
> eventually get abused quite a lot

In the end it was like always. Kids are just assholes. She was nice first but normalfags eventually choke on the sweet scent of freedom and go nuts if they can do whatever they want. My overwhelming aura of goodness and German laws don't allow for Bearsian 'zero force slaps' and even scolding lolis is too much for me. I don't want that. I had to eventually stop her from roughly 'playing' with one of my cats and bossing him around before she'd get maimed. My cats have about as much tolerance for being treated inconsiderately as Alice and respond in the same way - with extreme violence.

It's still fascinating because I get treated by lolis more like another kid their age than an adult. No, not even that, I don't know. Maybe like a stuffed animal? It's like people, especially little girls feel they can just freely say whatever comes to their mind around me without any filter. Things they'll never share with their parents or even friends. While the amount of trust is flattering, it's also extremely disturbing being told by a barely 8yo girl in detail how gruesomely she'd kill other bitch girls in her class she doesn't like. And in harsh contrast some philosophical reflections on gods, life and death. I mean wtf man. At least no stories about her pussy this time and only stripped half-naked once. Progress.
She did ask her mom if she could take me home though and if I couldn't sleep over tonight. Pretty much demanded it. Yep, I'm the stuffed animal. Had to politely decline. Her mom is overly thankful for my services but also told me I gotta stop her if she gets annoying. I know she's also more concerned I'm the one getting abused than her daughter if she just leaves her with me - which is ofc correct.

So yeah, it was nice for a while but that's enough clingy-touchy-feely zero personal distance loli for a few weeks. I can't deal with that. Kids are scary.

Strangely Alice was utterly absent. There was no mental capacity left for tuppering. And leaving the loli with Alice wouldn't work. She'd just straight up decline because why the fuck would she waste time with some brat?