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take pictures man!

just remembered something. some time in spring i was in the countryside beautiful day minding my own business in nature with tupper. suddenly faint but audible low frequency rumble in the distance. really low frequency like its more you feel the pressure wave than hear it. thought it was very distant thunder wondering where there could be a thunderstorm. then another rumble and another. noticed they were unusually short for thunder until i realized. i know that sound thats not thunder thats artillery fire. lots of artillery fire somewhere far away.

mfw that look on tuppers face - sweatening intensified. immediately took out my phone to look if wwIII had started and the russians are coming but ofc there was nothing. it was a military exercise on some training ground far away. no idea what they were shooting with but it must have been massive. maybe our german PzH2000 howitzers.

fast forward a few months later. now when we were traveling the country we were sitting outside on a starry night. after a while i notice barely visible flashes and distant rumbling
i knew there was no arty training ground anywhere near where we were close to the sea. in the end it indeed was a distant thunderstorm.

just in case youre wondering why my tupper sometimes is such a nervous wreck this might be related. americans wouldnt understand what it means to live in a tiny country next to the biggest in the world which is threatening to steamroll you. i think just Bears county has more people than my entire country and its smaller than Bernds state. You can easily drive through it from one side to the other in 3h. or hit basically all of it with artillery from across the border. especially the capital where we live. feels south korea tier. just like the norks could flatten seoul with artillery in a few minutes. at any time.