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Excuse me but you didn't read either!

Cat bought and carried her oil flask exactly for this purpose, look into the inventory!
Alice mixed the alcohol with the oil from Cat's oil flask. The oil flask is even meant to break on impact. She also made wicks from the half orc panties for the goblin flasks. The only thing she misunderstood were the goblin flasks that won't shatter.
It would have been better to just use the oil flask itself. But this way we get 2 shots. One throwable bombs and 2 containers that can be poured on something to ignite it.

Cat can retreat and fill 2 goblin flasks back into the oil jar and seal it with a wick. She also has the tinderbox. Next round she or Alice could throw it and boom!

Kashtan's the state trained guerilla warfare expert here but I still think oil+alcohol is a good enough mixture and the jar will break. It can only be thrown 20ft though.

> You didn't see this at the time but when the second round came out, Cat was surrounded by three. If they had a chance to hit they could have downed her.
You're right, it was extremely dangerous and there is no other option but retreating into the forest for now. But how feasible is that? We only get 3 shots per round with Alice, Cat and Yulya. With probably 2 kills. Ashley's summons will be wiped out quickly if they're not careful and lucky. If more goblins come they can easily surround us. And time is running out. If we don't deal max damage per round we're done for.