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Whoever you are, no.

I have no beef with Russia nor Ukraine. I've had Russian friends, I had a Jewish Ukrainian friend. I see Putin trying to unite his people and maybe he's gone too far, but he's an idiot. I'd like to rescue all the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. To where? I have no idea because America is a very harsh land, they deserve better. 

China is culturally incompatible with U.S. and I'd like to gift one-way tickets to any China (the regime) sympathizers so they can fulfil their communist fantasies. 

Additionally, I'd happily try to save Chineese and N. Koreans from their predicament. We have plenty of food here as long as they're willing to eat our morbidly obease population, drug addicts, homeless, gangs and violent criminals. We could solve so many problems together.

Can't we all just get along? All I am saying is give piece a chance. War, uh, what is it good for? Imagine all the people livin' for today. Imagine all the people livin' life in peace (and sterile bc we need like a 99.995% decrease in population immediately and start with anyone who isn't valuable to the further subjugation of the world under our supreme A.I. overlords.)