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Endchan had some hiccups today, Tamamo already complained per mail he couldn't post. As if I could change anything.

> I pray to the god of D&D to forgive order of posting and allow me to go first
I thought we already agreed order of posting is irrelevant. We'd have to spend days for each turn working out who even posts when. You just state if you go before or after another player.

> I then actively search for traps
Can you do that? You need to dash to reach the bridge. Cat could make it in 30ft and have an action left to search for traps.

I also don't get the darkness. We have darkvision which according to the rules means we can see in complete darkness for 60ft as well as a creature without could in dim light. It's not like we're blind. It means the area is lightly obscured. Which again means disadvantage on perception checks. Ashley doesn't have that limitation with her awesome blindsight cheat. But only within 30ft if I'm correct. So she's our best trap detector in the dark. Yulya with her high perception is the best in bright light. Cat at least has advantage on all Dex saving throws with Danger Sense. Not so bad as trap detector either. I could spread out like a pancake and be safe from weight-triggered traps as well.

And I thought only the area inside the caves is considered dark. Isn't the passage with the bridge outside in daylight? Or is the whole thing including the creek inside a mountain? 2d maps are a bit confusing. 
If it's just dim but not pitch black under the bridge, that doesn't affect us.