thumbnail of Emblem_of_the_Stasi.png
thumbnail of Emblem_of_the_Stasi.png
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> Just to be clear, this is also for private garages in a house you own, right?
Yes, you can't do shit on your own property. You own nothing.

> wut
Washing your car is illegal almost everywhere outside of professional washing facilities that collect, filter and recycle the water. But this is different from county to county and washing your car may be legal on one side of a street and illegal on the other. In almost all cases however it is illegal because toxic substances could enter ground water. And rest assured, somebody will report you to police if you wash your car on the street or in your yard.

Also you don't understand. Germans want that. They demand everything is regulated and there is always somebody who tells them what they have to do or must not do.

Well Bavaria is a bit different but those Middle- and East- Germans are unbearable. This is how Gestapo under the Nazis and Stasi in communist GDR operated. They didn't need to coax people to cooperate and provide information about others, they came on their own to report their neighbors, friends, even family. When GDR collapsed in 1989 Stasi hat 90K official members and over 200K 'inofficial informants'. Roughly 300K secret service agents to spy on a population of 16 million. Apart from that, Stasi itself listed about 20% of the GDR population as 'cooperative'. Meaning 1 in 5 would report your wrongthink to authorities. This spirit still haunts East Germany until today.