
Wow 6000! Congratulations!

> as far as i understand the ceiling collapses if we fuck up?

> Ashley finds a trap, the nature of the trap precludes you going this way wothout knowing exactly where to stand. You should consider finding another path. You may also attempt to disarm it but it may trigger on failure. Ashley determines it will cause a cave-in here if you step incorrectly.

Joy said that I discovered it was specifically a bad idea to step on the trap without knowing exactly where to stand, and earlier she said my cats wouldn't typically set off traps.

She said we could attempt to disable it, and we might trigger it if we fail. It sounds like we might fail just to attempt it.

Presumably someone would have to be in danger's way to attempt to disable it.

Question 1: can it even be disabled?

Joy is one of those type that overthinks things logically. Say you have a base and put a deadly, one time use, last resort, trap in it and make it such that a simple roll could disable it. 

Would you even want it to ever be disabled? Do you need to move your couch through that way?

Question 2: what is the reward for going that way? Look at the map, we get past the bridge and we could potentially be surrounded, two or three sides of attack, one side is clear for now, so I would want to clear another side first if it was up to me. 

Also we should probably kill off the unconscious goblins. My babies are all occupied spying.