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> Yulya looking at it from a distancce

> Some passages are exceptionally dark, I'm basically making stealth free there but finding traps is also penalized. So plan accordingly. Torches exist for a reason. The light cats will not generally set off humanoid traps, it would make them too lightly triggered.

> Should I also just map out where all the traps are? I verbally said where it's really dark, north of where the fire was. Basically the areas where you don't currently see enemies mapped and 40 ft or more from the entrance.

> There is a zero light condition 40ft north of the entrance to all passageways including the bridge as the goblins have doused all light in the passages. 

> Ashley finds a trap, the nature of the trap precludes you going this way without knowing exactly where to stand. You should consider finding another path. You may also attempt to disarm it but it may trigger on failure. Ashley determines it will cause a cave-in here if you step incorrectly.

1. Any attempt to disarm may trigger it.
2. Walking on it incorrectly may trigger it.
3. Cave-in

> I still say we try to disarm the trap and go there, the less Joy wants us there, the more I wanna go that way.
Blatant disregard for safety given other options. 

> [Ashley] my 6th sense says, I'll just step way back. Even if you're immortal, buried under 20ft of rock means you stay there until we clear the place.
Ashley's first warning.

> Please support your proposed action using logic and reasoning, graphs are a plus, to justify the increased safety of trying to disarm a known dangerous trap while basically standing in the effected zone of the trap and I will consider considering it.
No valid response

> lets have Yulya have a look at the situation and tell us what we are even dealing with and if disarming the trap is reasonable or not. as far as i understand the ceiling collapses if we fuck up?

> Ashley determines it will cause a cave-in here if you step incorrectly.

> Joy said that I discovered it was specifically a bad idea to step on the trap without knowing exactly where to stand, and earlier she said my cats wouldn't typically set off traps. Presumably someone would have to be in danger's way to attempt to disable it.
Ashley's second warning.

> More Alice-speak

> If there are no consequences for actions, there is no fun, this is what I know for certain.


Now, let's analyze the situation:
Ashley saw the trap, she's worried about it, the only one who legitimately knows about traps is worried.
Ashley attempts to dissuade everyone.
Ashley runs away and tries to warn Cat
Yulya kneels and "gathers everyone around it" and calls Cat to her.

> Yulya carefully examines the trap to check how it works and how it could be disarmed

Ashley backs away

Presumably gathered near Yulya
> Alice observes the scene and waits for Yulya's verdict

> Cat lights the lantern and reluctantly approaches Yulya

Three party members are in the vicinity "around" the trap, Inspecting it for the purpose of disarming it. Kneeling and "stepping" around it. *IN THE DARK*

My hands are tied. All that's left is to pray.