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Cat can't toss her backpack, pick up Yulya and Cat (who both also toss their backpacks) and dash 120ft all in 1 sec. That's not realistic

Alice can dash 80ft and is shorter, she can probably do a dive jump with acrobatics and wriggle her way out with her high DEX before being crushed. Resists bludgeoning damage too.

Cat will focus on getting Yulya out. The question is does armor count or not? Without armor Cat carries 117 and Yulya 60. Yulya weighs 110 unless she's lost considerable weight from stress, hehe. That's 287 and safely within 2x Cat's carrying capacity of 150. That's light encumbrance which is manageable. Speeed drops by 10ft. 110ft dash is still 18ft/s, more than enough.
Plus Cat has advantage on Dex saving throws with Danger Sense.

So the only realistic thing is Cat grabs Yulya and dashes SW to Ashley. Alice does the same W, she can dash over 13ft/s and has a little more time as long as the rocks don't reach the ground. She'd have to dash 20ft though. Good luck!