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More and frequent neighborhood loli invasions. I'm flattered she likes me this much but uhh...
Kid still has zero sense for privacy. Literally had to drag her back home in the end. But she's nice and became much smarter than last year when I questioned if she was an retard. Now I rather question her mom happily leaving her daughter with me.

Today told me my garden looks shit and I need to tidy up more. Tupper agrees. Also is unimpressed by my gainz. Also true, summer break made me weak again. I feel I am where I was a year ago when I started going to the gym. Dunno, I don't take pics of myself.

Anyway, neighborhood loli came to play with my cats and brought treats. Big mistake. My cats are generally really nice, shy and gentle but this was like walking into a lion cage with steaks strapped to you. They don't normally get treats. Only Alice does.

> Cat 1 uses pounce, grapple, push and bite
> Loli is prone and treatless
Well, today I learned even a rather small and old cat can knock an 8yo girl prone. She was unharmed and found this incredibly funny but it could have ended differently. Luckily it was on the lawn and not a stone floor.

Cat2 which is larger got on hind legs and attempted to bat treats out of her hand. Mercifully without claws. I was sweating bullets. The guy has batted food out of my hand with claws before and they're damn sharp. You bleed a lot if grazed.
I was amazed how tall my cats actually are when they stretch out. Usually they're rolled up and it doesn't show but the bigger guy could actually reach into the loli's face when standing on hind legs. He can open doors this way. Scary. Well that was fun for a while but I was glad when it was over and no casualties occurred.