> goblin gang * area

There are children in my system. Goblins don't do that, they find other races disgusting and awful smelling. Do you ever see half-goblins? No, they kidnap and sell for trade. Now they would sell into slavery and what happens after that is none of the goblin's business from their perspective.

Though there was that one naught mod on Rimworld where... nevermind.

> Still I felt they would not collapse their own bridge

And they didn't, the roof collapsed south of the bridge.

> it's impossible to cross the waterfall and get on the rope bridge from down here, but like Olga, goblins could swim and wash down the stream?

It's unstable for medium and large sized creatures. They would likely die. You could from the bridge to get down but you would have to pass Dex or suffer damage or possibly drowning by getting stuck.

> too small for goblins. What about wolves?

No, only small creatures can.

[Ashley] so you're the boss now? I'll have her do it but as a favor.
