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> Picking up and pocketing a pebble

Do this IRL, pick up and pocket a pebble then don a shield and cast a spell all in 6 seconds. I say it's possible. Three things, 2 seconds each.

If Alice can run across the map, strip naked, make 4 consecutive attacks and cut off goblin ears for later use, all in one turn, I'll say you can cancel a light spell for free.

I'm going to allow you to push boundaries and if I think it's reasonable it will be allowed. In this case the shield did save you from 2 goblin attacks. Note the Elite goblin could only toss an ember and then stand there smugly, he's no hero.

> i thought taking the goblin staff from the pack and having to use an action for donning the shield too was overkill.

We (the royal we) have decided that you choose, offense or defense, read:


> shes afraid Ashley and Helga hate her now lol

[Ashley] shit happens, but seriously, the snakes were dangerous if my awesome babies didn't take them out, we'd have had some trouble.

> atrocities

I rarely cuss, but consider your actions against harmless and defenseless creatures of any flavor carefully, Karma is a bitch. 

Also, these 10 goblins you recognize as non-combatants but they're not children, they are however civilians, untrained for combat but workers, smiths, cooks, butchers, brewers, etc.

They're attack is +1 1d4-1 their hitpoints are 1d6 (3) they're neutral to you and will not attack unless personally attacked even if you attack their friends. They will run if frightened or intimidated, but they  have the "frightened" debuff meaning they can't run past you. Movement is 30ft, AC is 10. They earn 10XP only if they engage you in combat, not if executed.

[SheShe] In my game, Bear's team encountered goblin civilians but they were under no obligation to harm them, so they let them go in the under dark. This is a fun exercise Joy has given you, do you kill harmless civilians? I wonder what consequences Joy will have in store for you. Hey, I'm in your game too, I wonder what I'll say during your level up? Fun!

It is quite the conundrum.