thumbnail of dnd-fireball-5e-firespout.jpg
thumbnail of dnd-fireball-5e-firespout.jpg
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> 8 hours

Yeah, we rested 4 this morning around dawn. We need 4 more to count for 8.

> We have no means of knowing when Bless or Emboldening Bond is no longer in effect and thats - kinda important you know?

Joy said whenever a battle ends, things that last 10 minutes can stick, things that last 1 minute end quickly. 

[Joy] I will say that all your buffs expired.

Guys, listen. Yulya has a 6MP focus fully loaded. Now how her spell works with it is unpredictable but if she did a Sacred flame with the focus and unloaded it all on the wolves, it may do something fun.

[Joy] it will have an unpredictable result. 6MP means it would get boosted to level 3 (1MP+2MP+3MP) which is similar to a level three spell if it works. The closest level 3 spell like this is Fireball.

The spell would become:
Sacred Hellfire: VS, 1 action, 150ft range. A flame-like tempest of swirling energy envelopes an area with a 20ft radius. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be engulfed and take 4d8 radiant damage. Half if the saving throw succeeds. The tempest will ignore cover and obstacles in this area.

I will go ahead and give you the chances now: 

1: the focus explodes unleashing the spell at the center of the caster. The focus is destroyed. [Horrific bad fate]

2 the focus explodes but the energy is released only in a 5ft radius 

3 the energy is released in a 5 ft radius at the point of the caster with a guaranteed saving throw.

4-5 the spell fails to act correctly but you have a chance to throw the focus like a grenade up to 60ft and it will release its energy in a 5ft radius at the point if impact. The focus is recoverable after battle ends

6-7 the spell fails to act correctly but you can throw the focus within the same turn up to 60ft and the spell will release at the point if impact.

8-10 it works perfectly. [The RNG gods love you]

You may use your ring of quick casting if there are any charges left this turn (round 4) and I will allow you to throw the focus still on this turn.

You may not use your shield or the goblin staff for this, both hands are required. No action is required to put the shield away.

[Ashley] If we do run now, the wolves haven't seen us yet so we'll get a head start. My summons will take up the rear which might buy us some time.

[Joy] 4 wolves will be released and will attack or chase in turn 5, 5 more will be released and attack or chase in turn 6.