> goblin staff

Can't use it, Joy said you need both hands for this. You can't "charge" it anyway.

> throw it

[Joy] I will handle this, move to within line of sight of the spot between the stalagmites and push the shiny red button. 

Yeah they have a little movement left. You will have movement left too because technically it will be round 5 so don't forget to run East regardless after you use your teleport East. If it only kills half of them, we'll still have wolves running after us. Joy's not going to fix your fuckup here. The wolves will be chasing us in round 5.

> cheesy

When I come up with a good idea it's cheesy? I'm technically level 5 by now if you count both universes, listen to your experiential superior. You should have seen the crap Freya pulled with her focus, so broken they had to change the rules.

[Joy] 1 ring of quick casting and the feature isn't a spell but that's okay. (It is actually a spell). Still it's okay either way. 

So you're using an item, a bonus action feature, and your action is to throw the focus if it goes critical. You could do all this in one turn then? So it doesn't need Joy's requirement to be two turns overlapping.

[Joy] possibly I'll think about it. I have to think about item uses, once per turn makes sense. But you are only using it once instead of twice. The simultaneous thing is tricky, PHB says you can't cast two spells simultaneously but can you use a feature and cast a spell at the same time? I think it's acceptable. The spell needs VS, the feature doesn't.

> get shot cancel
No, 1, he's using his turn to release wolves. 2, there's no delay, it's all during your turn.