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Was married to bestiemom and bestie was my kid, already nightmare tier, but then through some crazy rite od succession I became president on November 11th, the day before the election. Which meant I was against trump in the election, but I was already president. The dream premise was I was president potentially for a day but dream brain is stupid because I would be president until the inauguration day in January.

So much lead up and detail, not worth writing down. 

Then I was also somehow still a kid, maybe 12 and my sister was alive and even younger which makes no sense. I wanted to hurt my brother in some incideous and persistent way but it never got past flexing.

Then I was my age again and Biden comes out of an auditorium, manic and speaking crazy talk like a lunatic.

Then I spoke to Trump and we totally got along and he told me good luck in a genuinely nice way.

I told bestiemom that the lefties didn't know I'm a centrist dem that would likely dismantle most of their idiotic plans.

It felt good, lots of people around, lots of flexing, then I had to go give a speech to the press and I did ok.