So Bear is sparring Ulla and Hali. He's level 4, they're both level 2. He has 59hp while they have about 15 so he could easily one-shot them. They're both technically faster but Zephyr Strike is hard to get around. Ulla is at a big disadvantage here because both Hali (royal guard?) and Bear have Zephr Strike. Hali can fly and stay aloft, so she's out of reach of his maul, but he also has a long bow.

Hali is a strong contender as she can disengage as a bonus action but with Zephr Strike, she won't provoke opportunity attacks anyway and can then swoop in, hit and then fly off.

Ulla has some one on one control feats, like charm person, but Bear is immune to that here.

So far, they started at 75ft distance and Bear got initiative, cast Zephyr Strike as a bonus action, moved to within 15 ft shot at Hali with advantage but missed! Zephr Strike is pretty OP, but since Hali also has it, they considered it fair enough.
Ulla has her turn now and she has a choice to attack or run. It's going to be a tough battle.