Well that's all hypothetical anyway. I am certain there are no orbs outside the Neverwinter guild around here. I mean what are the chances we're just gonna encounter one in the wild? That's just not gonna happen. Right? And considering only a few in-game days pass in an IRL year the way we play, none of our hosts may live to see a year pass in the D&D world.

> A heroic act
If every guard has committed one it can't be too spectacular. Going this far for Gundren already was in my opinion. Even saving that wizard from the Rothé.

> beings such as arch demons, and demon lords come into being as an alternate path to power, but such beings would never have standing in society
Why wouldn't demons be popular? I'd guess they'd be the populist  types to appeal to the masses.
The poor and weak look up to the strong and powerful, especially if they toss them some pennies an hand out favors to their followers. The same way Mafia is popular.

> another side of the curse of 19 is they have noticed you and will be scheming to prevent you from attaining that final level.
I'd assume the gods of this world would immediately try to get rid of me. But on the contrary, they seem to think of me as a useful tool. What fools...