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thumbnail of Germany just fuck my shit up.jpg
Germany just fuck... jpg
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Such is life under leftist suicide cult regime that is de-industrializing Germany. Getting rid of NPPs was decided after the Fukushima disaster 2011 and they were gradually replaced by gas power plants running on cheap Russian gas. After no more Russian gas because of the Ukraine war they still decided to shut off the last NPPs in 2023 because no nuclear is the core doctrine of the German Greens party. It's basically their religion and the main reason their movement was established after Chernobyl '86. 

Even if they have to use fucking brown coal as replacement which on top of tons of CO2, SO2 and heavy metals also emits more radioactivity than an NPP from naturally occurring radionuclides in the ash. Even with German tech super-filters thousands of tons of ash are released into the atmosphere every year and the remaining ash produces mountains of toxic waste. But whatever. Keep in mind the nuclear power plants were well maintained and could have safely operated for another decade. But apparently we don't need this. People should just use less electricity and pay moar for it to save the world. Ideally stop existing alltogether because wypepo racis.

Bavaria wanted to independently keep our last NPP running but ofc that's not possible because the entire nuclear industry is kill, personnel retired or went abroad in wake of the shutdown that was decided more than 10 years ago. It's over. So we import additional electricity from NPPs and coal power plants in eastern Europe which operate at far worse environmental and safety standards. Clown world -tier