JESUS, THANK YOU JESUS! I almost kit the homeless with my car every morning, these fuckers are even with rats, having rat parties in parking lots at 3am. Talk about goblins, these homeless need a culling too. 

YES we'll be sending them to "camps" where they will be "concentrated" and "contained" I wonder if they'll have special showers?" Yakumo, we need you to design some "showers" for these homeless drug addicted, diseased goblins, I mean unhoused civilians. they aren't the illegals, the illegals will go 10 to a one bedroom apartment like civilized people, The "homeless" are crime-nados. They walk around like zombies, yelling to themselves at 2 in the morning.

So it was the 90's I think, Rudy Giuliani, the newly elected Mayor of New York "took care" of the homeless situation. One day, suddenly and without warning, all the homeless were gone. No one knows where they went. 

This is the America I love, the one that treats savages like savages. Now President Trump, please next round up the MS13 and other gangs and taggers send them to your "humane" concentration camps. Please please please. Next then round up the obese, they're killing the environment. 

When you come for me, for whatever reason, I will be honored to end myself.  Oh it makes a Bear giddy. I already love this new president if he can do ANYTHING!!! about this BULLSHIT homeless problem. Fuck.

Can we also round up the Chinese "spies"? Don't leave any behind.