
[Bear] As Ashley used to say, "I can do whatever I want." I'm not changing my core values for or against anyone whether they come after me or not. I'll punch a MTF without moral opposition from my side. Dude's always going to be a dude to me, deal with it. I'm not going to hate on them for nothing though. They're just like any other dude in my mind, sorry if you're mentally ill like an obease fucker who thinks they're healthy, I'm only treating you like everyone else. Except of course the beautiful people cause they are always going to be a protected class. But that doesn't mean any race, creed, nationality or religion can't have beautiful people. But if you ugly, you ugly, fix yourself bitch, I did and I was cringe fucking ugly on the obease side and the anorexic side and it takes a lot a. Lot. Of effort to keep fit and presentable, step up or step away mothafucker.

[Ashley] imagine this guy without inhibitions, damn, never seen him drunk, that would need to be recorded.

[Bear] never going to happen, you can take your stipid ass drain cleaner and stick it up your ass. I ain't drinking it ever again. Nor taking any rec drugs, I didn't even take pain meds after they removed 2lbs of tumors and I had flipping drains sewed into my skin. It was painful as fuck but my gf took care of me at the time and I'll always be thankful for that. They were all benign and you couldn't see them cause they were inside growing on I forget what. My asshole brother had ones as big as grapefruit because he's a stupid fat ass loser. Mine didn't even need to be removed but I did it anyway, fuck cancer.

I had one on my finger too, that was stupid. Anyway, gotta die from something sometime. Not today.