> backpack

It's a ghost, ignore it.

> wolves 

They are tied up and unable to attack.

> small passage

This is an air and communication passage, Mr. and Mrs. B could traverse it either direction, the goblin younglings could probably fall down it at the cost of a chance at dying as it's about a 50ft drop, it's part of a natural crack that may extend down further and they may also get stuck there if a rope is not used.

[Ashley] I rolled a natural 20 on investigation, Joy had to show me her cards and the interview with the goblin boys was enough to say the rest of the civilians are sheltered from the plans of the others.

[Ashley] in other words, I'm against killing anyone else including their wolves.

You are all free to read and propose changes, in addition any other publications made by independent creators as we have done.

Diversity has always been a part of D&D as much as the DMs and players have been diverse.

> Joy likes to make us kill civilians for some reasons

I am neutral to this personally. Like I said, no one would fault you for killing civilians but the why and the how matter. There's more to TTRPG then strictly following questgiver orders.