> balance

As they progress in the other run, Bear is approaching level 6, the others level 5, their goal is now set at gold plate, Freya's final mission will require two gold level (level 10) adventures and it has been determined that only Freya and their Ashley will do that. 

As it turns out above level 10, monsters struggle to have meaning. Characters and monsters are so overpowered that it becomes a coin flip as to who wins in some cases.

To prevent this, monsters become bullet sponges that are otherwise less strong. That's okay too, it plays out, but there is discontent in the community over playing above level 10.

Eventually you will all choose something you wish to accomplish, a final mission or milestone that would be a culmination of your adventuring life.

Freya and their Ashley have theirs. The others don't yet.

There's also a grind plateu between level 10 and 16 or so, I will adjust leveling to make sure that's not felt assuming you go that far before the host bodies die IRL.


There is another way to do it and I am researching that in an effort to keep 5e interesting, challenging and enjoyable. 

> complicated 

Not necessarily as we're not strictly adhering to rules, as you know we are not dontrinal. Nothing will be more complicated than your character build.

> cheesy
You are always free to point out the cheese.

At level three, you will experience harder creatures with abilities that will challenge you, the current attack vectors will make that difficult. In essence you are all still squishy and your DPT is weak and needs some help so that monster encounters don't become 10 round attrition matches or if the monsters are adjusted, then perhaps two-three rolls in the right direction bypasses them all together. The battle with the wolves was one where without that focus it would have been beyond cheese or TPK. I don't understand the 3d4 design choice for wolves, it felt like that was a trap and I got stuck with it too.

> enemies
I am researching the enemies of other systems and they aren't more powerful but they are more interesting and easier to balance. More resistances, more things they can do, means less HP so your weak attacks still feel reasonable.

They may have second attacks but they have penalties for that second attack.

3 attacks with a magic dagger isn't out of the question but in what I've seen, the first attack is normal but the second attack would say ignore some or all of the bonus, so it's less likely to hit and your attacks would be genuine "second attacks". 

Again, this is just something I'm considering.

For now, attacks like nick and cleave already fill that niche, but giving Cat other things she can do and Yulya more than a single sacred flame attack and nothing else she will have more MP soon so she may be given other things she can do to fill out a turn. I will be highlighting them here later. 

So for now, don't worry about it, I'll formally propose changes here, and it's always up for reevaluation.